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Mountain Musings

Monday, January 26, 2015

My legs akimbo and a face full snow was how I spent my first few days learning to ski.  Most times my skis, humiliated by my lack of coordination, made a run for it to the bottom of the bunny slope.  On cue, a pre-schooler would gracefully swish by adding to my embarrassment. Several lessons later and with a lot more practice, I was finally ready to tackle more difficult terrain.  So with my new found confidence, the mister and I headed out to Crystal Mountain Resort to test out a few green and blue runs.  

We arrived early Saturday morning ready to hit the slopes. Heading up on the gondola, we began to notice that the ground cover was sparse at best.  Despite this small set back, it was a gorgeous day and we were still able to get in a few good runs.  We had an enjoyable time, but learned a few valuable lessons on this trip.  

1. Just because a trail is named after a Disney character does not, and I repeat, does not make it easy!
2. Ice skating is fun, but should not be done on skis.  Especially, when rocks are involved.  
3. If your tire warning light is is a good idea to check the stats before you drive into the mountains.  Realizing that one of your tires is at 8 PSI while 50 miles away from civilization is nail biting.   
4. A pitcher of beer is a great way to end a day on the slopes!  

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