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Halloween Haunts in Seattle

Thursday, October 29, 2015

If you are spending Halloween in Seattle, there are so many options for a "spooktacular" holiday!  From family friendly mazes to hair raising haunted houses, the Seattle area has you covered.  Check out my recommendations for a hauntingly good time in the Emerald City by clicking on each link.  


  • Carnevolar - Trapeze Halloween Show and Dance Party
  • Psycho at the Symphony - Bernard Hermann's unforgettable score as performed by the symphony while enjoying Psycho on the big screen.  
  • Spooked in Seattle - Spend an evening exploring the local haunts in Seattle. 
  • Georgetown Morgue - Enter the notorious Georgetown Morgue, if you dare!
  • Thomas' Family Farm - Test your marksmanship as you take out a few of the walking dead.


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